Pollen: Done and Dusted!
This pioneering breed is the first in the realm of single-flowered Oriental lilies to be distinguished by their absence of pollen. Besides eliminating staining and sneezing, pollen-free flowers last longer in the garden. They also maintain a cleaner look during rainy spells, unlike regular lilies whose petals can be stained by pollen runoff.
Hate messy pollen stains?

Liber Lilies are pollen free.
Ideal for Cut Arrangements
When brought inside, Liber Lilies stay fresh longer in fresh-cut arrangements. In addition, the blooms release a more subtle scent, an ideal trait for indoor floral displays.
Good Bye Stains & Sneezes!
Liber Lilies represent a groundbreaking achievement as the first ever pollen-free, single-flowered Oriental lilies to be cultivated! The subtly fragrant, 8" blooms add colour and elegance wherever they're used—without leaving stains or causing sneezes.
What are the Benefits of Liber Lilies?
About the Hybridizers

Hybridizer Adriaan Zweemerof Royal Van Zanten
Two renowned lily specialists in the Netherlands collaboratively embarked on a revolutionary project in 2010: the development of pollen-free oriental lilies. After years of meticulous breeding, their efforts bore fruit in 2015, with the first test plantings of their Liber Lilies unfurling in 2018.
Royal Van Zanten, a 160-year-old bulb titan from Hillegom, holds the prestigious "Royal" title due to its enduring legacy. Similarly, De Jong Lelies, from Andijk, showcases unmatched expertise in lily breeding, cultivation and trade, emphasizing their passion for these flowers.
Today, due to our long-standing association with both breeders, Breck's is proud to be the exclusive North American seller of their gorgeous, pollen-free Liber Lilies.

Walter de Wit (left) and Jenny de Groot (right) of De Jong Lelies